PERC Standard

The PERC Standard for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves


PERC Reporting Standard 2021

The PERC Standard for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (the ‘PERC Reporting Standard’) sets out the minimum standards, as well as additional guidelines and recommendations for the Public Reporting within Europe of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves.  It applies to all solid Mineral raw materials for which Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves is required by any relevant regulatory authority.

The PERC Reporting Standard 2021 was initially approved at the PERC annual general meeting held on 7 May 2021 and was officially issued on 1 October 2021 following final review and editing.  The 2021 edition supersedes all previous editions and standards (including The Reporting Code, the IMM Reporting Code, the PERC Code, the PERC Standard 2013, the PERC Reporting Standard 2017, and the Recommended Rules for Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Surveys, Feasibility Studies and Estimates of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves in Sweden, Finland and Norway).

Use of the PERC Reporting Standard 2021 has been mandatory for PERC compliance since 1 January 2023.

Please note that the list of Recognised Professional Organisations (RPOs), that can be used by Competent Persons signing off on PERC compliant Public Reports, is published as a separate document (updated October 2021).

Download the PERC Reporting Standard 2021 and associated documents:

If you spot errors in any of these documents or have suggestions for changes to be incorporated in future versions, please provide details using our feedback form which is available here.

PERC Summary Guide

The PERC SUMMARY GUIDE provides an introduction to the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves under the PERC Reporting Standard 2021 for European Securities Exchanges and Markets. The PERC SUMMARY GUIDE summarises the principles and standard definitions and highlights the key aspects of Public Reporting for Mineral Companies, as an easy reference for both non-technical and expert users. The PERC SUMMARY GUIDE assists the reader in familiarising themselves with the mineral sector‘s language and the proper use of the terminology used.

The approved translation of the PERC Summary Guide to Spanish can be downloaded using the following link: GUÍA RESUMEN PERC (en español)

PERC Mineral Project Evaluation Report Template

The PERC Mineral Project Evaluation Report Template (MPER Template) provides a framework to assist Competent Persons (CPs) in the compilation of data, information, interpretations, assessments and conclusions relevant to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves throughout a Mineral Project’s life cycle from early exploration through advanced mineral development to extraction operation.  The template is focused on assisting CPs in compiling such information in a manner that conforms with the requirements and recommendations outlined in the PERC Reporting Standard.  Specific linkages with Table 1 in the PERC Reporting Standard are provided to facilitate compliance with its requirements.

The Template allows CPs to prepare a Mineral Project Evaluation Report that is the foundation document from which appropriate extracts form the basis for different types of reports as indicated schematically in the image and listed below.

  • Competent Person Reports (CPR) for Company listing requirements on the Securities Exchanges;
  • Company Public Reports that require Competent Person sign-off of released material;
  • Company Non-Public strategic reports on Mineral Asset development and management, such as exploration and target generation, and short-term or long-term mine planning;
  • Mineral Reporting in case of acquisition, purchase or selling of Mineral Assets;
  • Mineral Reporting requirements for regulatory authorities, typically for permit applications, such as a mining works programme;
  • Mineral Inventory reporting to national geological surveys;
  • Mineral Classification purposes for submissions on Critical Raw Material (CRM) Projects for the European Union (EU) using the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) System;

An introduction to the MPER template and its intended usage was provided in a presentation made during its public launch in May 2024. The webinar provided a review of the overall structure of the MPER template together with details about the information which is to be recorded in each section.  Advice was also provided on how CPs can use a Mineral Project Evaluation Report to facilitate the need to meet requirements to report to different entities in a consistent manner.  Reference was also made to the other CRIRSCO reporting codes and standards which, as with the PERC Reporting Standard, are also based on the CRIRSCO Template.

The PERC Mineral Project Evaluation Report Template can be downloaded as both .pdf and .docx versions.

The slide presentation from the launch webinar is available to download as a pdf file, and a recording of the webinar can be viewed on PERC’s YouTube channel

Comments on the PERC Mineral Project Evaluation Report Template can be provided using the Feedback Form.

PERC Standard Definitions

Approved translations of the PERC Standard Definitions and the PERC Figure 1 have been prepared for several European languages.



The text and image files for the following languages can be downloaded using the links provided in the table below:  Finnish (FI); French (FR); German (DE); Italian (IT); Portuguese (PT); Spanish (ES) and Swedish (SV).

Click on the corresponding pdf icon in order to view the text file with the definitions in the selected language.

Click on the corresponding jpg icon in order to view Figure 1 in the selected language.

    Language PERC Standard Definitions (pdf) PERC Figure 1 (jpg)


    PERC List of RPOs

    The PERC list of Recognised Professional Organisations (RPOs) provides a list of the professional organisations and required membership levels that are accepted by PERC for the purpose of the definition of a Competent Person at Clause 3.2 of the PERC Reporting Standard 2021.

    To be accepted as a RPO by PERC, an organisation must satisfy the following criteria:

    • be a self-regulatory organisation covering professionals in the mining and/or exploration industry;
    • admit members primarily on the basis of their academic qualifications and professional experience;
    • require compliance with the professional standards of competence and ethics established by the organisation anywhere in the World (not just within the home jurisdiction of the organisation); and
    • have disciplinary powers, including the power to suspend or expel a member for breaches of professional standards of competence or ethics anywhere in the World.

    The minimum membership classes required by PERC are consistent with those in other CRIRSCO Reporting Codes and Reporting Standards and have been set at a level where the membership class is based on a system of peer scrutiny, including submission of documentation demonstrating experience and expertise and normally a professional interview, or where there is no interview PERC would need to be satisfied that the system of peer scrutiny is sufficiently robust.

      Previous versions

      The PERC Reporting Standard 2021 was published in October 2021 and its use became mandatory for PERC compliance from 1st January 2023. 

      The 2017, 2013 and 2008 versions of the Standard remain available for historical reasons only (for use in reading old company reports, for example).

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      Pan European Reserves & Resources Reporting Committee

      EFG Office
      c/o Service Géologique de Belgique
      13, Rue Jenner B-1000 Bruxelles