

PERC Training Courses

PERC offers courses and seminars aimed primarily at persons working in the minerals industry, for investors or potential investors and their professional advisors, and for persons working for relevant regulatory or legislative authorities.

The PERC training courses cater for those with little or no previous knowledge, to those more familiar and experienced in mineral resource management.  PERC’s training is specifically tailored to support those wishing to act as a Competent Person, Qualified Person, or Qualified Expert in the field of mineral resource management and public reporting.

The training content is provided by presenters working within PERC, or on behalf of PERC, and all have extensive industry or academic experience.  PERC courses can be adapted to specific requirements and can be presented in-person or at a venue of choice, as on-line webinars, or as self-paced internet courses. 

Where possible, PERC will endeavour to provide training in a language of choice, but the default language is English. In recent years we have delivered courses in Spanish and Italian.


PERC training courses focus on providing an understanding of the interpretation and application of reporting standards and codes throughout the minerals industry, with particular emphasis on the PERC Reporting Standard. Courses can be customised for different levels of understanding of mineral resource and reserve estimation and public reporting under the international codes and standards. 

General topics

Previous courses have included different combinations of the following topics:

  • The PERC Reporting Standard and the CRIRSCO-aligned reporting codes.
  • Competency, Professional Organisations and the Competent Person.
  • Public Reports – Requirements, Content and Supporting Information.
  • Understanding Modifying Factors.
  • Assessment and Reporting of Environmental, Social and Governance factors (ESG factors).
  • Assessment and Reporting of Risk & Uncertainty.
  • The United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC), CRIRSCO-aligned codes, and the CRIRSCO Template to UNFC Bridging Document.

Individual courses commonly include a combination of one or more of the topics listed above.  Longer courses are often enhanced with the inclusion of application examples, for a wide variety of different commodities, provided by practitioners currently working in the minerals sector.

A successful online course covering all eight topics was run in cooperation with the Geological Society of London in 2022 and 2024. It is planned to continue to offer a similar course on a 2-year cycle, with the next course being planned for February-March 2026.

Other topics

PERC also provides courses covering topics which are more specifically linked to the application of the PERC Reporting Standard and mineral reporting issues in Europe, as well as more in depth consideration of specific aspects of assessment and reporting aspects of mineral exploration, project development and operating projects. 

Such topics include:

  • PERC Table 1 and the PERC Mineral Project Evaluation Report Template (MPER);
  • Mineral Estimates Classification.

If you are interested in other topics related to international mineral reporting, that are not mentioned above, please let us know since we may already have content which could be used as the basis for providing a course


More information

Follow us on LinkedIn to get the latest news about upcoming training courses.

Subscribe to our email list to get periodic updates about our training plans and schedule.

If you are interested in organising a course jointly with PERC, or would like PERC to provide a quotation for providing a course on a commercial basis, please contact PERC’s Training co-ordinator by emailing:


Details of upcoming PERC Training courses, including registration details, can be found in our calendar.  Click on the event name to view more detail. 

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    Pan European Reserves & Resources Reporting Committee

    EFG Office
    c/o Service Géologique de Belgique
    13, Rue Jenner B-1000 Bruxelles