

We are seeking industry sponsorship to continue and extend the work of PERC.

PERC is a not-for-profit organisation established by professional geologists, and mining and processing engineers, to establish, maintain, and promote standards for the public reporting of mineral resources and reserves.

PERC has existed since 2006 as the successor to the former IMM Reserves Committee, and the PERC Reporting Standard which we publish and maintain is internationally recognised around the world alongside other codes in the CRIRSCO family.  PERC is the European counterpart of JORC in Australia and CIM in Canada, and is recognised by ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority.




    Within its remit of promoting best practice in minerals reporting, the two principal roles of PERC are maintaining and updating the PERC Reporting Standard, and development and provision of training for all disciplines involved in minerals project development. We anticipate that this training will be formally endorsed by PERC’s founding organisations as contributing to the CPD record of course participants and that it will be attractive to organisations who employ them and to professionals who wish to maintain and enhance their skills and awareness in this area.

    The members of PERC are experienced professional geologists and engineers who give their time voluntarily, but some financing is required to cover the necessary costs involved – for travel to meetings and for preparation of training materials and documentation. Initial seed funding to establish a formal structure for PERC has already been contributed by its six parent organisations (EFG, GSL, IOM3, IGI, FAMMP, and IMEB). A basic annual budget for PERC is estimated at £20,000 / €25,000 that includes expenses for the creation of training materials and the start-up costs of training courses (which, we intend, will eventually be self-financing), and for two meetings per annum plus a limited amount of secretarial services which we must pay for. We are seeking one-off and longer term corporate sponsorship to meet these basic costs and contribute to the extension of our activities.

    Sponsors will be recognised through logos and hyperlinks on the PERC web site and in publications such as training materials. They will also be entitled to discounted rates for training of their professional staff. Because PERC is a CRIRSCO-aligned standard, it is fully compatible with JORC and NI 43-101 (save for local regulatory references in those codes) and therefore the training will be relevant to all, including companies that do not use the PERC standard.

    List of companies, organisations and individuals who have paid for travel and accommodation of PERC members to attend the last three PERC AGMs (Madrid, Spain, 2019; Leicestershire, UK, 2018; Heidelberg, Germany, 2017):

    Sponsoring company, organisation or individual AGMs
    Aggregate Industries 2017, 2018
    Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros de Minas de España (National Association of Mining Engineers of Spain) 2017, 2019
    Bernd Schuermann, Consultant 2017, 2018
    Brenda Lothion, Consultant 2019
    Consejo Superior de Colegios de Ingenieros de Minas (Council of Mining Engineers of Spain), Spain 2017, 2018
    European Federation of Geologists (EFG) 2018, 2019
    Exploration & Mining Division, Department of Communications, Climate Change and Environment (DCCAE), Ireland 2017, 2019
    Fennoscandian Association for Metals and Minerals Professionals (FAMMP) 2019
    GeoVista AB 2017, 2019
    GlobalRock GmbH 2019
    Geological Society of London (GSL) 2017, 2018, 2019
    HeidelbergCement 2017, 2018, 2019
    Marco Cosi, Consultant 2019
    Mineral Resources Professional Limited 2018
    Ordem dos Engenheiros de Portugal (Order of Engineers, Portugal) 2019
    Orebody Risks Limited 2018, 2019
    Resources Computing International Ltd 2017, 2018
    Sibelco 2018, 2019
    Svemin, Sweden 2018, 2019


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    Pan European Reserves & Resources Reporting Committee

    EFG Office
    c/o Service Géologique de Belgique
    13, Rue Jenner B-1000 Bruxelles
