PERC Chair Edmund Sides invites you to discover the first edition of the PERC newsletter:
“Welcome to this first edition of the PERC newsletter. This is a new initiative of our communications committee which has been tasked with improving PERC’s communication with the ‘outside world’. When I took over as Chair three years ago, I felt that we could not complain about people being unaware of PERC, if we were not going out there and telling them about our activities. Over the past two years, good progress has been made in
establishing a framework for communications with the PERC website serving as a central ‘hub’ and regular posts being issued via LinkedIn and other channels such as this new newsletter.
At a recent meeting which I attended in London, Rohitesh Dhawan (President and CEO of the International Council on Mining and Metals – ICMM) suggested that the industry needs to make more effort to engage with the younger generation on channels such as TikTok. An example which provides an explanation of how copper ore is processed can be viewed at the TikTok website.
If any ‘younger’ readers of this newsletter would like to take the lead on setting up a PERC TikTok channel, please email me at: chairperson@percstandard.org“