

Several of the documents referred to in this section are provided in the Other Resources section of the Library page on this website.

PERC’s organisation structure is defined in the PERC Statutes, which were originally adopted in 2015, and last amended in October 2022.  The Statutes specify PERC’s Terms of Reference, together with details of PERC’s Governance and Structure; Meetings, Financial Matters, Trustees and Language.

PERC membership is open to relevant professional bodies and representatives from significant mineral industry sectors in European countries.

Currently PERC members include four representatives from each of the six parent organisations, together with individual co-opted representatives representing different interests and sectors of the minerals industry.

In March 2022, PERC adopted a standard procedure for assessing applications by organisations to join PERC, together with the procedures used for assessing applications to be added to the PERC list of Recognised Professional Organisations. The relevant Policy document and accompanying RPO checklist are provided in the Other Resources section of the library.

Participating Organisations


European Federation of Geologists (EFG) Pim Demecheleer
Mikko Numminen
Christian Masurenko
Vacant position
Fennoscandian Association for Metals and Minerals Professionals (FAMMP) Kristin Hestnes
Gunnar Agmalm
Janne Hokka
Anita Hall
Geological Society of London (GSL) Simon Dominy
Belinda van Lente
Tracey Laight
Matthew Grimshaw
Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) Emma Brosnan
Ian Farrelly
Ed Sides
Job Langbroek
Iberian Mining Engineers Board (IMEB) Juan Leon Coullaut
Jesús Montero
Antonio Maldonado Castillo
Pedro de Andrés
Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IOM3) Andrew Birtles
Andrew Carter
Fiona Cessford
Liz de Klerk
Co-opted members Mark Burnett
Marco Cosi
David Dingemans
Johann Gotsis
Owen Herod
Markku Iljina
Manuel Martinez Pelayo
Michael Neumann
Bernd Schürmann
Robert Palmer
Alastair Moyes


For statutory purposes PERC is represented by at least three Trustees who take formal responsibility for the actions of PERC. The Trustees collectively are the sole governing body of PERC. The day to day administration of PERC is undertaken by the Executive.

Trustees Ruth Allington
Kerstin Brinnen
John Clifford
Gordon Riddler

PERC Executive

The PERC Executive consists of the following officers: Chairperson; Deputy Chairperson; Secretary; Treasurer; and PERC’s two representatives to CRIRSCO. The PERC Executive is responsible for the day to day administration of PERC.

Edmund Sides

Chairperson & CRIRSCO representative

Andy Birtles

Deputy chairperson

Owen Herod



Antonio Maldonado


Mark Burnett

CRIRSCO representative


In addition to the activities of the PERC Executive much of the work done on behalf of PERC, outside of our annual AGMs, is carried out by the PERC sub-committees.  At present we have four permanent committees, namely:

  • Standard Update Sub-Committee: Responsible for Maintenance and development of the PERC Reporting Standard
  • Training Sub-Committee: Responsible for coordinating the development and provision of training courses
  • Communications Sub-Committee: Developing and implementing PERC’s communications strategy
  • Finance and Regulatory Sub-Committee: Responsible for establishing communication with regulators and with financial institutions

    If you are interested in finding out more about the role played by the PERC committees, please refer to the PERC Sub-committee terms of reference: PERC Sub-committees Terms of Reference.


    The names of the Chair and members of the sub-committees are given below.

    • Standard Update Sub-Committee:

    Chair: David Dingemans

    Members: Edmund Sides; Andrew Birtles; Mark Burnett; Fiona Cessford; Liz de Klerk; Jesus Montero; Janne Hokka; Marco Cosi; Kerstin Brinnen; Roger Dixon; Christian Degen; José Antonio Espí; Alastair Moyes

    • Training Sub-Committee: 

    Chair: Alastair Moyes

    Members: Edmund Sides; Mark Burnett; Marco Cosi; Manuel  Martínez Pelayo

    • Communications Sub-Committee: 

    Chair: Andrew Birtles

    Members: Mark Burnett; Emma Brosnan; Bernd Schürmann; Christian Degen; Magnus Johansson; James McFarlane; Christian Peña; Anita Stein; Paulo Romero; Paula Mierzwa; Steinar Ellefmo

    • Finance and Regulatory Sub-Committee: 

    Chair: Edmund Sides

    Members: Antonio Maldonado; Mark Burnett; Pim Demecheleer; Christian Masurenko; Job Langbroek; Markku Iljina; Marco Cosi; Kerstin Brinnen; Remi Bosc; James McFarlane

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    Pan European Reserves & Resources Reporting Committee

    EFG Office
    c/o Service Géologique de Belgique
    13, Rue Jenner B-1000 Bruxelles